Have questions? Contact us at reserves@jsu.edu or (256) 782-5243.
Reserves are materials and resources that professors have identified to use for a class. Only JSU faculty and staff are eligible to submit Reserve requests. JSU students who are currently taking classes are eligible to check out Reserve items. Reserve items can be either print or electronic.
What kinds of materials are on Reserve?
The Reserve collection includes books, videos, CDs, and any other materials an instructor has requested we set aside for a class.
Are all course textbooks on Reserve?
No. The Library does not carry copies of all textbooks which are used for classes. Textbooks are placed on Reserve at the request of the course faculty. These items may only be used in-house and can only be checked out for 1 hour.
The semester hasn't begun yet or is already over. Why is this book on Reserve?
An item may occasionally be listed as shelved at the "Reserve Desk" in JaxCat, our online catalog, when in fact it is not currently being used for a class. This normally happens in the weeks leading up to the start of classes, and immediately after the end of the term. Ask at the Library’s Circulation Desk to see if an item listed as on Reserve is indeed a current Reserve item.
Where are Course Reserves located?
Print Reserves are held at the Reserve Desk in the Lobby, while Multimedia and Music Reserves are located in the Listening Lab.
How do I borrow Reserve materials?
Request Reserve materials at the Reserve Desk and present your JSU ID to borrow them.
You can search for a Reserve item in JaxCat by course number, instructor or course name.
Is there a limit to how many Reserve items I can borrow?
We ask that students check out only 2 one hour Reserve items at a time. Please keep in mind that these items will only circulate for 1 hour, and that other students may want to see the materials as well. 24 hour, 3 day, and 1 week Reserve items are limited to two items per student.
How long can I keep Reserve items?
Most items are available for 1 hour in-house use. This shortened time limit is to give everyone in the class a chance to see the materials. However, some items are available for 24 hour, 3 day, and 1 week check-out based on the professor's preference.
May I take Reserve materials out of the library?
Materials placed on 1 hour Reserve may not leave the building. However, materials placed on 24 hour, 3 day, and 1 week Reserve may leave the building.
May I "reserve" a Reserve item?
No. Reserves are available on a first come, first served basis. However, if a Reserve item you want to borrow is currently checked out, contact the Library's Reserve Desk to block renewals of that item.
May I renew Reserve items?
Yes, you may renew most Reserve items up to 2 times through Your Library Account or by contacting the Library. However, if another student is waiting to use the material, it may not be renewed.
How can I return a Reserve item?
Reserve items must be returned to the Library's Reserve Desk where they were borrowed.
When the Library is closed, you may return Reserve items to the book return outside the Library. However, if an item is large or fragile, please return it to the Library's Reserve Desk.
What happens if I return or renew an item late?
Fines for 1 hour Reserve items are $0.25 per item for each hour overdue, to a maximum of $10.00. If the item is lost, the charge will be the replacement cost, item processing fee of $10.00, plus a $10.00 late fee.
Reserve item fees differ from the fees for Circulating items; instead of a lost item processing fee of $10.00, the overdue Reserve item will incur the set Reserve item late fee of $1.00 per day until the item is returned.
How do I access Electronic Reserves?
A list of items currently on Reserve can be assessed through the online catalog, JaxCat.
Reserve lists may be searched by professor's name, department, and course.
May I assess Electronic Reserves off campus?
Yes. Currently enrolled students will need to enter their JSU student number and their last name in order to assess Electronic Reserves off campus.
Do I need a special program in order to view Electronic Reserve items?
Yes. You must have the Adobe Reader installed in order to view items on Electronic Reserve. This program can be downloaded and installed here.