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User Services : Laptop Check Out

Welcome to the Houston Cole Library's User Services Page

Contact the Media Lab

Contact the Multimedia Lab by calling 256.782.8494.

Hours of Operation

 Day  Time
 Monday - Thursday  9:00 AM - 10:00 PM
 Friday  9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
 Saturday  9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
 Sunday  3:00 AM - 11:00 PM


For assistance when the Lab is closed, call 256.782.5758 or go to the Circulation Desk in the Lobby.

Laptop Check Out

Laptops are available for check out from the 6th floor Multimedia Lab.


Picture of a Dell laptop


Laptop Check Out Policy

Please see the policy below regarding checking out laptops.

  • Only University students may check out laptops. No other patron groups will be allowed to check out laptops.
  • Anyone checking out laptops must have a valid University Picture ID. No other form of ID will be accepted.
  • Laptops may be checked out for 3 hours for library use only and may not be renewed. Users must return the laptop by the end of the three hour loan period.
  • If there is no waiting list, the item may be checked out again
  • Anything (including, but not limited to, data, documents, images, bookmarks, browser caches, etc.) saved to the laptop will be deleted upon return. Users are responsible for maintaining their own data and storage devices.
  • Files may be saved to a disk, or e-mailed as an attachment. Patrons must provide their own disk or storage device.
  • Late fees are $20.00 per day. The maximum fine is $500.00. Any laptop that is 24 hours overdue will be declared lost and a charge of $700.00 plus applicable fines and fees will be billed to the patron's account. If the laptop is returned in good condition, the $700.00 lost charge may be forgiven. Overdue/late fines and processing fee will not be forgiven.
  • Patrons are responsible for any and all damage to the laptop while it is checked out under their name. They may be charged a damage fee of up to $700.00, dependent on the cost of repair or replacement. Patrons will be charged the full replacement cost of the item if the laptop is lost or stolen while checked out.

See the Circulation section (pages 30-45) for more information.