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Library Personnel Directory: Systems Administration

Contact information for Library personnel by name and department. Also includes contact information for departmental liaisons.

Systems Administration Department

The Library Systems Administration staff are responsible for maintaining the Library Network services, servers and software installation, including web services, database servers and administrative applications. This department includes the following areas of systems:

Library Systems Personnel

The Systems Department is responsible for maintaining all Library systems including the catalog, computers, and networks.

Systems Personnel


 Name  Title  Email Address  Phone Number  Office
 Mr. Shaun Stancil  Systems Administrator  256-782-5730  262 Daugette Hall

Library Web Development Personnel

The Library's Website is maintained by the following individuals through the University's content management system.

Library Web Development/Content Management System Personnel


 Name  Title  Email Address  Phone Number  Office
 Ms. Jodi Poe  Head of Library Services  256-782-8103  8th Floor
 Ms. Bethany Latham  Digital Assets & Special Collections Librarian  256-782-8195  Basement, Technical Services

JaxCat (Library Catalog) Development Personnel

The following individuals are responsible for the customizations of JaxCat.

JaxCat (Library Catalog) Development Personnel


 Name  Title  Email Address  Phone Number  Office
 Mr. John-Bauer Graham  Dean of Library Services  256-782-5248  8th Floor
 Mr. Shaun Stancil  Systems Administrator  256-782-5730  262 Daugette Hall
 Ms. Jodi Poe  Head of Library Services  256-782-8103  8th Floor
 Mr. John Upchurch  Supervisor of User Services  256-782-5252  8th Floor

Electronic Resources & Digital Projects Personnel

The Electronic Resources office is located in the Technical Services area in the basement of the Library. This area is responsible for maintaining the electronic resources available through the Library. These resources include access to the Library's web-based indexes and full-text articles, databases, e-journals, governmental materials, and the Library's website. This area is also responsible for the digitial collections and digitization projects.

Electronic Resources & Digital Projects Personnel


 Name  Title  Email Address  Phone Number  Office
 Ms. Jodi Poe  Head of Library Services  256-782-8103  8th Floor
 Ms. Bethany Latham  Digital Assets & Special Collections Librarian  256-782-8195  Technical Services, Basement
 Ms. Yingqi Tang  Distance Education/Electronic Resources Manager  256-782-5757  Technical Services, Basement
 Ms. Alisha Cantrell  Technical Services Assistant | Digitization/Electronic Resources  256-782-8587  Technical Services, Basement
 Ms. Yolanda Cox  Technical Services Assistant | Digitization/Cataloging  256-782-8590  Technical Services, Basement
 Ms. Susan Wiggins  Technical Services Assistant | Digitization/Electronic Resources  256-782-8589  Technical Services, Basement

Library Contact Information

Houston Cole Library
Jacksonville State University
700 Pelham Road North
Jacksonville, AL 36265

Telephone (Circulation): 256-782-5758
Telephone (Reference): 256-782-8034