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EH510 -- The Eighteenth-Century Novel: Home

This Library Guide directs you to sources for information on the British eighteenth-century novel. The resources presented are selected and representative, not comprehensive, and are intended to provide a sampler of all the information sources available o

Page Overview

This page includes a topic overview along with overview essays of the five authors covered in this course. .

General Works and Literature Librarian

Profile Photo
Laura Pitts
7th Floor
Houston Cole Library
Jacksonville State University
700 Pelham Rd N
Jacksonville, AL 36265
Subjects: English, Literature

JSU English Department Website

Topic Overview

From an overview essay discussing some major eighteenth-century English novelists.

From an overview essay on Daniel Defoe.

From an overview essay on Charlotte Lennox.

From an overview essay on Ann Radcliffe.

From an overview essay on Samuel Richardson.

From an overview essay on Laurence Sterne.

Literary Societies

What are Literary Societies?

Literary Societies are groups of enthusiasts about literary authors or subjects whose members may range from amateurs who have just discovered an author to established scholars and academics.  These societies have their own events and usually a newsletter or journal.  It is not unusual for an author to have more than one society devoted to him or her.

What do Literary Societies bring to the conversation of scholarship?

Through their journals and newsletters, these societies add to the sum of information available, and it is information not available through online databases.  And quite often the journal articles are to a high academic standard.  The societies operate on member dues for the most part, and these will not nearly meet the cost of having one's journal indexed in a database.

How may the websites be accessed?

A Google Basic (single-box) search is sufficient.  Within quotation marks type the name of the author or subject (e.g., gothic novel), followed by a space and then the word society.  Whether the group actually calls itself a society, a circle, or a fellowship, "society" as  search term usually will harvest the relevant links.

Author societies for EH510

Daniel Defoe

Charlotte Lennox     

Ann Radcliffe     

Samuel Richardson

Laurence Sterne

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Reference hours:

  • Mon-Thurs: 9 am - 10:30 pm
  • Fri: 9 am - 4 pm
  • Sat: 9 am - 4:30 pm
  • Sun: 3 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.

Library Catalog Basic Search

Basic search in the Houston Cole Library catalog. 

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