This page lists the call number ranges for materials by or about British eighteenth-century novelists and on eighteenth-century literature in general, as well as suggestions on how to find and identify more obscure subject headings for British eighteenth-century literature.
​Daniel Defoe PR3400 - PR3408
Charlotte Lennox PR3541.L27
Ann Radcliffe PR5200 - PR5204
Samuel Richardson PR3660 - PR3667
Laurence Sterne PR3710 - PR3716
Books that are entirely, exclusively, by or about an author may be located by performing either an author or subject search in the library's JaxCat catalog, using as search terms the author's name (in last-name first order).
The 30th edition (2007) of the Library of Congress Subject Headings, the five-volume set of large red books located on the green cabinet beneath Shakespeare's portrait on the library's seventh floor, does not offer any headings that single out eighteenth-century literature.. For a shelf-browsing, call number approach, use the 2008 edition of the Library of Congress Classification for PR, PS, and PZ, located adjacent to the Library of Congress Subject Headings on the green cabinet. The classification for the entire class P of language and literature can be found here:
Books that are entirely, cover-to-cover, by or about a British eighteenth-century novelist may be located by performing either an author or subject search in the library's JaxCat catalog, using as search terms the author's name (in last-name first order). For British eighteenth-century literature as a whole, some useful subject headings are:
History of English literature . . . Eighteenth century PR441 - PR448
History of English literature . . . The novel PR821 - PR832 . . . 18th century PR851 - PR858