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Program Review

Process and Criteria for Selecting Peer Reviewers

The department head or director will nominate peer reviewers for each program that is being reviewed. To provide flexibility in selecting reviewers, the department/office will put forth multiple names of potential reviewers to their dean/director. The department/office should provide justification for selection and known relationships with the potential reviewer. The list may be rank ordered. The dean/director will select the reviewer from the list put forth by faculty/supervisor with consideration of the department/office ranking, if provided. The dean/director may select a reviewer that was not put forth by the department/office. When requested, the dean/director will provide to the department head/supervisor, their rationale for the selection of the reviewer.

After collaborating with the department head/supervisor, the dean/director makes the reviewer appointments. A program will have one peer reviewer evaluating their program. A reviewer, depending on expertise, may evaluate more than one program.

  • Reviewers should be employed at a regionally accredited institution. Reviewers should be selected from comparable or aspirant institutions.
  • Reviewers should have appropriate experience and credentials to review the selected academic programs. Submission of reviewer credentials (degrees earned, content area, etc.) will be required for submission recommendation.
  • Reviewers should not have a conflict of interest with Jacksonville State University.