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Medicine, Health, and Nursing: Finding Full Text Articles

This guide is designed to help you find materials available from the Houston Cole Library for research in medicine, health, and/or nursing.

Finding Full Text Articles handout in pdf

Search Tips

There are several options for finding full text. Please ask if you have questions

  • Do not select the "Full Text" limit when searching databases. This will eliminate articles in databases other than the one you are searching
  • Change the date limits for your search. A common range is the last 5 years
  • Do not pay for article access. Check to see if the Library has access
  • Ask a librarian if you need help

Interlibrary Loan Form

First Step

Start Your Search

To access Library subscribed databases off-campus or via campus wi-fi, login to MyJSU when prompted with the single signon, to have full-text access. Note: Library databases, even the ones that are listed as full-text,  do not have the text of every article in every journal.

Internet searches for articles may lead to a paywall, where you are asked to pay for access. Don't pay, just check the Library to see if we have access to the journal by searching the Journal Title List. (see box below)

Publication Finder

Locating Journals in Publication Finder

Publication Finder lists all the journals that the Library has, as well as which databases they are in and what years we have.  Click on the link and type in the name of the journal.  (Be careful to type in the name of the journal correctly, or you may not get correct results.)  Click on the name of the database in your results that includes the date range of the journal you need for your search.

  • On the Library homepage, select the radio button for Journal Title List under the main search box.
  • Enter a journal title and click Search

Here is an example of a search result:

  • For this example, click Full Text Access to show databases
  • Click a database name to go there
  • Navigate to the correct year, volume and issue of the journal


Finding Full Text Articles in CINAHL Complete

Login through MyJSU when prompted for database access. Full text articles in Library databases are indicated by several different icons Most databases have similar links that may vary slightly in wording, so these tips will apply to other databases as well. Look at your results list. There are various links at the end of each database record
If the full article is available in pdf, you can click on the PDF link to open the article with Adobe Reader
If the article is available in full text, but is in a different database, you will see an icon labeled Linked Full Text
There may also be a link to search JaxCat. This searches the Library catalog for the journal title

You might also see HTML Full Text

Finding Full Text Articles in PubMed


Make sure you are logged into the JSU system through the MyJSU login. Some full text access is available, indicated with the logo and name of a Library-subscribed database or Free Fulltext Article button with a database name. Other sources include publisher websites. Linked articles will be marked with a button in the abstract view. Also, check Publication Finder to see if we subscribe to the journal you need if it is not linked.

Finding Full Text of Articles

Look at the top right of the page for a logo and name of a Library-subscribed database or Free Fulltext Article button with a database name. .Here are some examples:

Elsevier ScienceDirect :

Wiley Online Library

Ovid Nursing Full Text