Monday - Thursday: 6:30 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.
Friday: 6:30 A.M. - 2:00 P.M.
As the Head of Technical Services, my duties and responsibilities are the overall management, operation, long range planning, policy and procedure development, and documentation of the following services: bibliographic verification, binding, acquisitions, physical processing, cataloging, serial and government documents, and automated services. In addition, I am one of the Library's two Web site managers and the administrator for our electronic resources, such as databases, ebooks, ejournals, and discovery system. I assist our Systems Administrator with our library system and I am one of three administrators for our other systems, such as our research guides and FAQ's.
I received a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Jacksonville State University and a Master's in Library and Information Science from the University of Alabama. I was the Distance Education/Electronic Resources Manager for the Houston Cole Library from June 2001 until September 2008. I am now a Professor and Head of Technical Services. I am also the Web Administrator for the Alabama Library Association, the editor for the Journal of Library and Information Services in Distance Learning, and a reviewer for The Southeastern Librarian.