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HY 201/203: Honors/ American History I: Finding A Book

Finding a Book on your Topic

To find a book on your topic:

1. Start at the Library Home Page

2. Use the Library Catalog to Search for a Book on your Topic

3. Use the Call Number to Locate the Book. Note which floor the catalog indicates the book is located. The 3rd floor is the History floor but your book might be on the education floor if the topic is education-related. Make sure you check the location, availability, and call number of the book so that you know where to find it and if it is on the shelf.

4. Print out the Library Catalog record.

Printouts are .$.10 per page. You use your student ID for both printing and copying. You must have money on your student ID to copy and print materials in the Library

GOAL: You should find a book in the library on each of your topics.

Library Catalog

Using the Catalog to Locate the Book


Finding Books

Using the Library Catalog to Find your Book