A persistent link is a URL for a specific article, ejournal or database that reliably connects users to the resource. Persistent links may also be described as permalinks, stable links, durable links, or bookmarks. Using permalinks in course management systems, course web sites, or reading lists allows students to access articles and other materials available through the JSU Library’s electronic resources subscriptions.
Copying an article’s URL from the address toolbar may not provide stable access to the article. The majority of our databases use session URL's that are specific to your current database or ejournal search session.
The process of creating a persistent link varies by resource or publisher/vendor. Persistent links may not be available for all resources available through the Library. If the article you would like to use does not have a persistent link option, contact the Library for assistance.
Faculty and students may use this guide to create persistent links to library resources. Many databases allow you to create a persistent link. "Persistent links" are links that will consistently take your students directly to an article or eBook without having to conduct a new search. Due to copyright laws and license restrictions governing the use of subscription databases, persistent links can only be used where authentication is available. Persistent links can be created from Canvas course sites, course web pages, and syllabi using the following instructions explaining how to capture the correct URL for the article and add the authentication prefix to that URL.
Unfortunately, there is not a uniform way to create these links. Each database provider uses different terminology and different methods for finding/creating these links. Use the details provided in the Creating Links area for your database to find out how that vendor has this feature setup. Persistent links are not always found in your browser window. Do not copy and paste the URL from the browser window of the selected resource unless directed to do so.
Remote Access to the Library's licensed resources is limited to current JSU students, faculty and staff. To access the Library's licensed content from off-campus, users must be authenticated through the Library's proxy software, EZproxy.
Persistent links may include the proxy information required to allow off-campus access, but always check the URL to insure that the EZproxy pointer is included.
Adding proxy information to a persistent URL:
Proxied persistent link:
With the EZproxy pointer at the front of the persistent link, remote users will be able to login with their MyJSU credentials for easy access.
Always test your links both on campus and off campus.
If you have any questions, please contact the Library at libweb@jsu.edu.
Before creating links:
After creating links for use:
Links are usually persistent, but not permanent.
Academic Video Online (AVON) is provided by Alexander Street Press. Alexander Street Presses calls their persistent links "permalinks."
Creating a permalink in Academic Video Online provides access to the video. Additionally, Alexander Street Press provides the code you can use to embed the video directly into your course. You access both the permalink and the embed code the same way.
After you run a search in the database, click on the title of the video for which you want to create a permalink or persistent link. find the Embed/Link option under the video and click that link.
Copy the URL in the Permalink area in the window as seen below.. Do not use the link in the browser's URL bar. Be sure to copy the entire URL. Check the URL to be sure that is starts with https://lib-proxy.jsu.edu/login?url=. If it doesn't;t, you will need to add it.
The full link to the article will be similar to this: http://lib-proxy.jsu.edu/login?url=https://search.alexanderstreet.com/view/work/bibliographic_entity%257Cvideo_work%257C3401959?account_id=11662&usage_group_id=102983
To embed the video directly into your Canvas course, follow the same instructions as above except copy the entire code in the Embed code area, as seen below, and paste the into your course.
Alexander Street Presses calls their persistent links "permalinks."
Creating a permalink in Alexander Street Press resources provides access to the video. Additionally, Alexander Street Press provides the code you can use to embed the video directly into your course. You access both the permalink and the embed code the same way.
Alexander Street Press offers two ways of creating permalinks. The first methods uses their Share option. After you run a search in the database, click on the title of the video for which you want to create a permalink or persistent link. find the Share option in the navigation bar at the top of the page. Click that link to retrieve the permalink and embed options as see below.
Copy the URL in the Permalink area in the window as seen below.. Do not use the link in the browser's URL bar. Be sure to copy the entire URL. Check the URL to be sure that is starts with https://lib-proxy.jsu.edu/login?url=. If it doesn't;t, you will need to add it.
The full link to the article will be similar to this: http://lib-proxy.jsu.edu/login?url=https://search.alexanderstreet.com/view/work/bibliographic_entity%257Cvideo_work%257C3401959?account_id=11662&usage_group_id=102983
To embed the video directly into your Canvas course, follow the same instructions as above except copy the entire code in the Embed code area, as seen below, and paste the into your course.
The second way is detailed in the Academic Video Online tab.
After you run a search in the Ebook Central database, click on any title in your results to get to the detailed view of the record. Click on "Share Link to Book" link and copy the URL in the box. Be sure to copy the entire URL. The URL should already be highlighted, so you should just be able to copy -- CTRL + C -- the link. Add https://lib-proxy.jsu.edu/login?url= to the beginning of the URL you just copied.
The full link to the article will be similar to this: http://lib-proxy.jsu.edu/login?url=https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/jsulib-ebooks/detail.action?docID=5615310
EBSCOhost calls their persistent links "permalinks."
Creating a permalink in an EBSCOhost database provides access to the article only if the full-text of the article is available in an EBSCOhost database. Not all citations in the EBSCOhost databases provide access to the full-text of the article. Articles that include the full-text will offer a link for either "PDF Full Text" or "Linked Full text." If the full text of an article is not available in the EBSCOhost database, use the "Full Text Finder" link to see if the article is available from another journal package or database.
After you run a search in the database, click on the title of the article to which you want to create a permalink or persistent link. Do not use the PDF full text or Linked Full Text link in the results list. From the citation record, click on the Permalink icon in the Tools menu on the right.
Copy the URL in the Permalink box. Be sure to copy the entire URL. Check the URL to be sure that is starts with https://lib-proxy.jsu.edu/login?url=. If it doesn't;t, you will need to add it.
The full link to the article will be similar to this: http://lib-proxy.jsu.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=141093404&site=ehost-live&scope=site
Films On Demand (FOD) is provided by Infobase. FOD calls their persistent links "Record URLs."
Creating a permalink in Films On Demand provides access to the video. Additionally, Infobase provides the code you can use to embed the video directly into your course. You access both the permalink and the embed code the same way.
After you run a search in the database, click on the title of the video for which you want to create a permalink or persistent link. find the Share option under the video and click that link.
In the Share To menus, click on the Embed/Link tab. Copy the URL in the Record URL area in the window as seen below.. Do not use the link in the browser's URL bar. Be sure to copy the entire URL. Check the URL to be sure that is starts with https://lib-proxy.jsu.edu/login?url=. If it doesn't;t, you will need to add it.
The full link to the video will be similar to this: https://lib-proxy.jsu.edu/login?url=https://fod.infobase.com/PortalPlaylists.aspx?wID=96572&xtid=183574.
To embed the video directly into your Canvas course, follow the same instructions as above except copy the entire code in the Embed code area, as seen below, and paste the into your course.
Gale simply says to "Get Link."
After you run a search in a Gale database, click on the title of the article to which you want to create a persistent link. Do not use the PDF full text or Full Text link in the results list. From the citation record, click on the "Get Link" in the command bar at the top of the page. This will open a new window with the link to the article. Click the Select button in the window as seen below.
Copy the URL in the Get Link box. Be sure to copy the entire URL. Check the URL to be sure that is starts with https://lib-proxy.jsu.edu/login?url=. If it doesn't;t, you will need to add it.
The full link to the article will be similar to this: https://lib-proxy.jsu.edu/login?url=https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A291194726/GPS?u=jack26672&sid=GPS&xid=1a4da7b6
JSTOR does not label their persistent links. The easiest way to create a persistent link to an article in JSTOR is to use the Cite this item option.
After you run a search in the database, you can click the Cite this item button next to the article’s brief information. This will open a new window with several citation formats. Within the citation options, you will see the URL for the article. It will include the word stable within it. Simply copy that URL and add https://lib-proxy.jsu.edu/login?url= to the beginning of that string.
The full link to the article will be similar to this: http://lib-proxy.jsu.edu/login?url=https://www.jstor.org/stable/30185770.
ProQuest uses the label "Document URL."
After you run a search in a ProQuest database, click on the title of the article to which you want to create a persistent link. Do not use the PDF full text or Full Text link in the results list. From the record display, click on the Abstract/Details (for titles with PDF full text) or just Details (for articles with just full text) tab. Once on the article's details page, scroll to the bottom of the page until you find the Document URL indicator.
Copy the URL in the Document URL area as seen below.. Be sure to copy the entire URL. Check the URL to be sure that is starts with https://lib-proxy.jsu.edu/login?url=. If it doesn't;t, you will need to add it.
The full link to the article will be similar to this: http://lib-proxy.jsu.edu/login?url=https://search-proquest-com.lib-proxy.jsu.edu/docview/1992784393?accountid=11662