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Library Access Off-campus: Research Assistance

Welcome to the Houston Cole Library Distance Education information guide. This guide is designed for students, faculty, staff and anyone who is interested to use our library. We are committed to delivering a great experience in supporting your learning,

Writing Center and Tutoring

Writing Center Intro (Video)

The purpose of a Writing Center consultation is to guide students through various aspects of the writing process and rhetorical and documentation styles as needed and specified by the student. The Writing Center is not an editing service. As such, not all mistakes in your essay will be corrected when leaving the consultation, and we cannot promise grades. Instead our goal is to help students focus on and better understand areas in which they are struggling within the writing process. Each consultation is 30 minutes in length, and students may schedule no more than two consultations per week. Missing scheduled appointments may result in not being able to schedule future consultations.

Located in Stone Center Room 230, the English Department Writing Center assists students, faculty, and staff at any point in the writing process, from invention to revision and offers free consultation services to improve writing skills instead of simply editing papers. Students may receive help on any writing task, including understanding assignments, brainstorming, developing ideas, organizing, integrating sources, citing properly, revising, and editing for grammar. Writing consultants also assist with APA, MLA, Chicago, and other academic styles as well as multi-modal projects, speeches, and literature, and conduct both face-to-face and online sessions.

Learn how to schedule a writing center appointment here.




Tutoring is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Access through a link in the navigation bar in Canvas. For more information about click on this link

Citation Management Tools

Publishing in Scholarly Journals

5 Quick Resources for Writing Research Papers

Five research tools from EBSCOpost:

  1. Looking for Reliable Information?” A guide to help students distinguish between trustworthy and unreliable websites and authors
  2. Writing a Research Paper?” An explanation of plagiarism and how to avoid it
  3. Researching at the Library?” A reference for common library terms to facilitate communication between researchers and librarians
  4. How to Write a Works Cited Page” Examples of how to properly cite sources
  5. How to Avoid Plagiarism” A guide for properly paraphrasing and citing others’ work