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- John-Bauer Graham. "An Uneven Balancing Act: One Library Administrator's View on Providing Library Services for Distant Patrons." Journal of Library & Information Services in Distance Learning. v. 3 no. 2 (2009): 43-43.
- Elizabeth M. Doolittle, John-Bauer Graham, et. al. "Creating a Culture of Mentoring @ Your Library." The Southeastern Librarian. v.57 no. 1 (Spring 2009): 29-38.
- Poe, Jodi, Bevis, Mary, Graham, John-Bauer, Latham, Bethany and Stevens, Kimberly. "Sharing the Albatross of E-Resources Management Workflow." Chapter in Electronic Resource Management in Libraries: Research and Practice, Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, 2008.
- Jodi Poe with John-Bauer Graham. "A Comparison of an Online and a CD-ROM Library Tutorial," in Going the Distance: Library Instruction for Remote Learners by Susan J. Clayton, Editor. New York : Neal-Schuman Publishers, 2007.
- Jodi Poe and John-Bauer Graham. "New Voices: Interactive CD-ROMs for Library Instruction and Discovering a Research Agenda." The Southeastern Librarian. v. 54 no. 3 (Fall 2006): 25-31.
- John-Bauer Graham, Bethany Latham Skaggs, and Kim Stevens. "Digitizing a Gap: A Case Study in the History of a Statewide Repository Project and an Increase in Liaison Activity for one Medium-Sized Academic Library." Reference Services Review. v.33 no. 3 (2005): 337-345.
- John-Bauer Graham. "Outreach Programs Beyond the Immediate University Community." Library Management. v.26 number 3 (2005): 113-122.
- Sonja McAbee and John-Bauer Graham. "Expectations, Realities, and Perceptions of Subject Specialist Librarians' Duties in Medium-sized Academic Libraries." Journal of Academic Librarianship. v.31 number 1 (2005): 19-28.
- John-Bauer Graham. "What's In a Name? Faculty Status, Tenure, and Promotion in Academic Libraries." Alabama Librarian v.54 number 1 (2004): 10-16.
- John-Bauer Graham, Jodi Poe, and Kim Weatherford. "Functional by Design: A Comparative Study to Determine the Usability and Functionality of One Library's Web Site." Technical Services Quarterly v.21 number 2 (2003): 33-49.
- Mary D. Bevis and John-Bauer Graham. "Perspectives on the Evolution of an Integrated Electronic Journals Collection." Journal of Academic Librarianship v.29 number 2 (2003): 115-119.
- John-Bauer Graham. "Now's Not the Time to Be Neutral: The Myth and Reality of the Library as a Neutral Entity." Alabama Librarian v.53 number 1 (2003): 9-11.
- John-Bauer Graham, Jodi Poe, and Kim Weatherford. "Inter-Facelift: The Houston Cole Library's Web Redesign Project." The Southeastern Librarian v.50 number 2 (Summer 2002): 33-39.