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- Federal Depository Library Conference and Depository Library Council Meeting. "Assessing a Government Information Collection: An Integrated Approach" by Bethany Latham and John-Bauer Graham. Arlington, Va., 20 October 2008.
- Southeastern Library Convention. "Mentoring for Success" by John-Bauer Graham, Lousiville, KY. October 1-4, 2008.
- Wallace State Community College In-service. "What's New in the Alabama Virtual Library" by John-Bauer Graham, Jodi Poe, and Bethany Latham. Wallace State Community College, Hanecville, AL. February 18, 2008.
- Alabama Library Association's Annual Convention. "What Me Publish?" by John-Bauer Graham. Featured Speaker, College, University, Special Libraries Research Forum. Mobile, Alabama, April 19, 2007.
- Alabama Library Association's Annual Convention. "Are Students Reaping What You Sow?" College, University, Special Libraries Best Practices by John-Bauer Graham and Jodi Poe. Mobile, Alabama, April 18, 2007.
- Alabama Library Association's Annual Convention, Pre-conference. "Alabama's Most Valuable Cash Crop: An Introduction to the Alabama Virtual Library" by John-Bauer Graham, Jodi Poe, and Carly Suther. Mobile, Alabama, April 17, 2007.
- Tennessee Library Association (TLA)/Southeastern Library Association (SELA) Joint Conference. New Voices Program "Interactive CD-ROMs for Library Instruction" by John-Bauer Graham and Jodi Poe. Memphis, TN. April 6, 2006
- University of Alabama School of Library and Information Studies Student Chapter of the American Library Association meeting "So You Want to Be an Academic Librarian?" by John-Bauer Graham and Jodi Poe. Tuscaloosa, AL. March 8, 2006.
- Workshop for the Alabama Virtual Library to K-12 teachers, media specialists, and librarians for continuing education credit entitled "AVL Databases: One-Stop Shopping" by John-Bauer Graham, Jodi Poe, and Bethany Latham Skaggs. Sylacauga, AL. May 6, 2005.
- Alabama Library Association Annual Convention. "In the Not too Distant Future: Interactive CD-ROMs for Library Instruction." AACRL/CUS Best Practices Mini-Sessions by John-Bauer Graham and Jodi Poe. Birmingham, AL. April 20, 2005.
- Alabama Library Association Annual Convention. "Expectations, Realities, and Perceptions of Subject Specialist Librarians' Duties in Medium-Sized Academic Libraries" by Sonja McAbee and John-Bauer Graham. CUS Research Forum. Birmingham, Al. April 21, 2005.
- Academe: "Going the Distance: Interactive CD-ROMs for Library Instruction." Jacksonville State University, Houston Cole Library by John-Bauer Graham and Jodi Poe. Jacksonville, AL. May 19, 2004.
- Workshop for the Alabama Virtual Library to K-12 teachers, media specialist, public, and academic librarians for continuing education credit entitled "Intermediate AVL Databases Training" by John-Bauer Graham. Jacksonville, AL. August, 2003.
- Continuing Education In-service workshop for Jacksonville State University for K-12 teachers and media specialists for continuing education credit entitled "The Other AVL Databases" by John-Bauer Graham. Jacksonville Jacksonville, AL. June 26, 2002.
- American Library Association Annual Convention Poster Session entitled "Functional by Design: The Use of a Comparative Study to Determine the Usability and Functionality of One Library's Web Site" by John-Bauer Graham and Jodi Poe. Atlanta, GA, June 16, 2002.
- Alabama Library Association Annual Convention Poster Session entitled "Inter-Facelift: The Houston Cole Library's Web Redesign Project" by John-Bauer Graham, Jodi Poe, and Kim Weatherford. Huntsville, AL. April 10-12, 2002.
- Academe: (Webliography) "Course Reserves Made Easy: An Introduction to the Library's Electronic Course Reserve System" by John-Bauer Graham and Jodi Poe. Jacksonville, AL. March 18, 2002.