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Houston Cole Library Floor Directory: 5th Floor

Description and information about the Floors at the Houston Cole Library

Welcome to the 5th Floor!

This floor contains the principal collection of books, periodicals, microforms, maps, and other materials that directly support the instructional programs of Jacksonville State University at all levels, This guide will familiarize you with the locations of Library resources and services. The guide will not eliminate the need to consult your librarians for help in locating and using specific materials, but we hope it will make you more comfortable with doing research in the Library. The 5th Floor is home to the Children's Corner.

Map of the 5th Floor of the Library

Online Research Guides

Library research guides relating to education and kinesiology are available online here.

These research guides, created by the Subject Specialist Librarian, give you a starting point for your research by providing books, journals, commonly used databases, and some related web sites in the specific subject area.

5th Floor Call Number/Subject Directory

Call Number Subject
GV   Recreation. Leisure (Kinesiology)
L   Education

Need Help with the 5th Floor? Contact Laurie!

Picture of Laurie Heathcock
