Tour Major Library Resources for Education Research
Using the Library Databases to Find Journal Articles for Education
Start with these Databases to Locate Articles
To find articles on a topic, you will need to search in databases that index the articles in various journals. Please see the "Tutorials for Doing Education Research" tab on this guide for information on database searching. Depending on your topic, you may want to start with the following:
A collection of EBSCOhost databases covering education areas. See list of available databases in this group.
EBSCOhost databases some of which provided by the AVL. Databases included in this group are Academic Search Premier, ERIC, Professional Development Collection, PsychINFO, PsycARTICLES, and Education Full Text.
Extensive index to educational literature containing some 1.5 million items, including journal articles, unpublished documents, research reports, curricular materials, etc.
Extensive index to educational literature containing some 1.5 million items, including journal articles, unpublished documents, research reports, curricular materials, etc.
Research on primary, secondary, and higher education, as well as special education, home schooling, adult education, and hundreds of related topics. Indexes 900 educational publications, including more than 600 of the titles in full text.
Provides users with a comprehensive, full-text guide to over 3,000 contemporary testing instruments and contains information essential for a complete evaluation of test products within such diverse areas as psychology, education, business, and leadership.
An EBSCOhost database
First published by Oscar K. Buros, the MMY series allows users to make knowledgeable judgments and informed selection decisions about the increasingly complex world of testing. MMY provides coverage from Volume 9 to the present. MMY via EBSCOhost® now includes the MMY Archive providing all yearbooks from the first edition in 1938, through the 18th yearbook released in 2010.
Directory of journal publishers in educational curriculum and methods; educational psychology and administration; and educational technology and library science.
A collection of journals and other publications covering life sciences, health sciences, physical sciences and engineering as well as social sciences, humanities and business.
Journal articles covering a variety of topics of interest to teachers, including assessment, curriculum development, standards, and continuing education.
Covers many subjects at the primary school level. Contains full text for 50 children's magazines and more than 00 pamphlets, designed for the elementary school student.