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Lang&Lit: EH412 & 412G -- Victorian Poetry: Subject Headings

EH412 and 412G -- Victorian Poetry: This Library Guide directs you to sources of information on English Victorian Poetry. The Guide is selective, not comprehensive; the resources listed are representative of their type.

Individual Author Call Number Ranges

Matthew Arnold  PR4020-4024

Elizabeth Barrett Browning  PR4180-4198

Robert Browning  PR4200-4248

Thomas Hardy  PR4740-4758

William Morris  PR5070-5088 

Christina Rossetti  PR5237-5238

D. G. Rossetti  PR5240-5248

Algernon Charles Swinburne  PR5500-5518

Alfred, Lord Tennyson  PR5550-5598

Oscar Wilde  PR5810-5828

Library of Congress Classifications and Subject Headings

Subject headings for Victorian literature can be found in the 30th edition (2007) of the Library of Congress Subject Headings, the five-volume set of large red books located on the green cabinet beneath Shakespeare's portrait on the library's seventh floor.  From volume II, page 2350, use the heading English literature -- 19th century, which subdivides as follows:

PR451-PR469 (History)

PR1143-PR1145 (Collections)

For a shelf-browsing, call number approach, use the 2008 edition of the Library of Congress Classification for PR, PS, and PZ, located adjacent to the Library of Congress Subject Headings on the green cabinet.  It is an extremely detailed listing.  The Victorian era begins at PR461 and distributes as follows:

PR461  General works

PR462  Memoirs, letters, etc.

PR463  Collected essays

PR464  Addresses, essays, lectures

PR468.A-Z  Special topics, A-Z 

PR591-599 History -- poetry

The classification for the entire class P of language and literature can be found here: