Other useful call number ranges are as follows:
BF712-724.85 Developmental psychology Including infant psychology, child psychology, adolescence, adulthood
RJ 125-145 Physiology of Children andAdolescents,
QP1-801 Physiology
RA773-788 Personal health including exercise & nutrition
RC1200-1245 Sport Medicine
LB3401-3495 School Health (including school nutrition)
The Library of Congress Classification for PHYSICAL EDUCATION is GV. Locate books on physical education, recreation, and sports in the GV (physical education) section on the 5th floor. Call numbers are broken down as follows:
GV1-1860 Recreation. Leisure
GV181.35-181.6 Recreation leadership. Administration of recreation services
GV182-182.5 Recreational areas and facilities. Recreation centers
GV191.2-200.66 Outdoor life. Outdoor recreation
GV191.68-198.975 Camping
GV198.945-198.975 Farm vacations, dude ranches, etc.
GV199-199.62 Hiking. Pedestrian tours
GV199.8-200.35 Mountaineering
GV200.4-200.56 Orienteering. Wilderness survival
GV200.6-200.66 Caving. Spelunking
GV201-555 Physical education and training
GV346-351.5 School and college athletics. Intramural and interscholastic athletics
GV401-433 Physical education facilities. Sports facilities Including gymnasiums, athletic fields, playgrounds, etc.
GV435-436.7 Physical measurements. Physical tests, etc.
GV557-1198.995 Sports
GV711 Coaching
GV712-725 Athletic contests. Sports events
GV733-734.5 Professionalism in sports. Professional sports (General)
GV735 Umpires. Sports officiating
GV743-749 Athletic and sporting goods, supplies, etc.
GV750-770.27 Air sports: Airplane flying, kiteflying, bungee jumping, etc.
GV770.3-840 Water sports: Canoeing, sailing, yachting, scuba diving, etc.
GV840.7-857 Winter sports: Ice hockey, skiing, bobsledding, snowmobiling, etc.
GV861-1017 Ball games: Baseball, football, golf, etc.
GV1020-1034 Automobile travel. Motoring. Automobile racing
GV1040-1060.4 Cycling. Bicycling. Motorcycling
GV1060.5-1098 Track and field athletics
GV1100-1150.9 Fighting sports: Bullfighting, boxing, fencing, etc.
GV1151-1190 Shooting. Archery
GV1195-1198.995 Wrestling
GV1199-1570 Games and amusements
GV1201.5 Hobbies (General)
GV1203-1220.8 Children's games and amusements
GV1218.5-1220.8 Toys
GV1221-1469.63 Indoor games and amusements
GV1232-1299 Card games: Poker, patience, whist, etc.
GV1301-1311 Gambling. Chance and banking games
GV1312-1469 Board games. Move games including chess, go, checkers, etc.
GV1469.15-1469.62 Computer games. Video games. Fantasy games
GV1470-1511 Parties. Party games and stunts
GV1491-1507 PuzzlesGV1541-1561 Parlor magic and tricks
GV1564-1565 Darts
GV1580-1799.4 Dancing
GV1800-1860 Circuses, spectacles, etc. including rodeos, waxworks, amusement parks, etc.
Children & Young Adult Books are in the JUVENILE location
Books on Education are in the circulating STACKS (behind NEW TEXTBOOKS)
K-12 Textbooks are in SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS
Physical Education Books are behind RESTROOMS in STACKS
Journal Articles (pre-1990) are bound in the PERIODICALS area (we do maintain current print subscriptions to many of our journals even though most are now available through the library databases. If you come across an older citation (usually prior to 1990) and the journal article is not available in fulltext through our databases, our LIBRARY CATALOG HOLDINGS will indicate whether we have the journal in our PERIODICALS LOCATION. To locate the journal in print, you will need the full citation (title, author, volume number, issue number, year, page numbers) and the CALL NUMBER.
The Librarian's Office if on the left when you exit the elevator. Come in, have a cup of coffee, and let's do research!