The Department of Applied Engineering (TEC) offers degree programs including Pre-Engineering, Applied Manufacturing Engineering, Applied Electronics Engineering, Industrial Leadership, and Occupational Safety and Health Management. And the department also offers courses leading to the Master of Science degree with a major in Manufacturing Systems Technology. JSU Library provides information resources for curriculum support. The following list provides AE related and interdisciplinary databases (ID may require for access):
Circulating / Reference Collection
Books are shelved according to the Library of Congress Classification. The majority of applied engineering/technology books will be found on 10th Floor under Call Number T:
T Technology (General) |
TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering |
TC Hydraulic engineering |
TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering |
TE Highway engineering. Roads and pavements |
TF Railroad engineering and operation |
TG Bridge engineering |
TH Building construction |
TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery |
TK Electronic engineering. Electronic. Nuclear engineering |
TL Motor vehicles. Aeronautics. Astronautics |
TN Mining engineering. Metallurgy |
TP Chemical technology | TS Manufactures |
Click here for new books that the Library recently purchased. To view a list of technology reference books, please click here. JSU library also provides access to electronic books. ID may require for off-campus accessing these E-books. InterLibrary Loan Service is available as well.
Applied Engineering and Technology microforms (mainly microfiches and microfilms) are located on 10th floor. They are in-library use only. Microforms can be viewed and printed out by using the microform reader machines.
Government Documents
Most government documents are located on 10th floor under call number T. They are integrated into the regular agricultural collection. For more information on government documents, please click here.
Periodical = Serial = a publication that comes out regularly (weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.) that uses a numbering system that is intended to continue indefinitely. Magazines, journals and newspapers are all referred to as periodicals or serials. A list of online Engineering publication can be accessed here. A list of online Technology publication can be accessed here.
Scholarly Journals are academic periodicals that publish on a regular schedule (monthly, quarterly, etc.). They offer original scholarship and reviews written by expert scholars. Most include long articles with footnotes and/or bibliographies.
General magazines have essays, editorials, and news written by journalists for non-experts with photos, cartoons, sidebars, usually sources are not cited. They are good for basic information, news, opinions about public policies, etc.
Databases are collections of articles from journals, magazines, and newspapers. Use databases to search hundreds of different publications to find articles on your topic. A list of library databases can be accessed here.
Normal Working Hours
Fall, Spring, May & Summer Sessions :
Monday-Wednesday: 9:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M.
Thursday: 3:30 P.M.-11:00 P.M. Friday: 9:00 A.M.-4:30 P.M.
Office Location: 10th Floor, Houston Cole Library