This page focuses on books. It offers examples of the types of books which may be used during a research assignment. One characteristic of the Library of Congress Classification System, which is the system that Houston Cole Library uses, is that like is shelved with like. For the researcher this means that once you have found the location of the particular book you are seeking, you should scan the titles of nearby books to see if there are others that might help you with your research project.
These are some books on Chaucer available through Houston Cole Library. HCL provides some books in print format, some in electronic format, and some in both. The catalog record for each book indicates the formats in which it is available.
To find books on a topic, you can either search the Library Catlaog using the above search widget or you can search one of the following databases:
To find reference books on a topic, you can either search the Library Catlaog using the above search widget or you can search one of the following databases:
What are Reference Books?
Reference books
How are Reference Sources used?
Reference sources (esp. specialized encyclopedias) can be used to
Aside from assisting in research, these specialized reference encyclopedias also can
How are Reference Tools used?
Reference tools (bibliographies, databases, indexes)) can be used to
Below is a selection of our reference books for Geoffrey Chaucer. Please use the Library Catalog search widget above and to the left to find more reference books.