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How to Conduct a Literature Review: Citation Help

MLA Citation Resources

Chicago Citation Style

Chicago Style


   Still confused about citations?  Don't hesitate to ask a librarian. 

Citation Style Guides

Here is a list of some of the main citation style guides that will help you in the management of the source material for your literature review.

Citation Managers

One of the best ways to keep track of all the source material pertaining to your literature review is to use a citation manager. Houston Cole Library supports the citation manager Refworks and we have created a guide that gives detailed explanations on how to effectively used Refworks. There are also other citation managers available as well.

Cite Tool

Did you notice the Cite tool in the Library's databases?  


This tool that will suggest how to cite an article in many different citation style formats. These suggested citations are good starting points, but you should always double-check them against the OWL guide.

Other Useful APA Resources