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Master of Social Work Research: Find Journal Articles

Use this guide for resources for your MSW research.

Special Note

NOTE: Due to license agreements, some journals and/or specific issues may not be available in full-text.


Core Journals Abstracted and Indexed in Social Work Abstracts

Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work

Australian Social Work

Behaviour Research and Therapy

British Journal of Social Work

Child & Family Social Work

Children & Schools

Children and Youth Services Review

Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services

Health & Social Work

International Social Work

Journal of Black Studies

Journal of Counseling and Development

Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare

Qualitative Social Work

Research on Social Work Practice

Revista de Asistenta Sociala (Social Work Review)

Smith College Studies in Social Work

Social Service Review

Social Work

Social Work & Christianity

Social Work in Health Care

Social Work Research

Sociological Quarterly

Youth & Society


To locate which database carries one of these journals just highlight and "copy" the title above and "paste" it below in the Find E-Journal (EBSCO A to Z) search box.



Find E-Journal (EBSCO A to Z)

Search for Journal Title
Limit Your Results


Start with these Databases to Locate Articles

To find articles on a topic, you will need to search in databases that index the articles in various journals. Depending on your topic, you may want to start with the following:

How Do I Access These Resources?

When you're prompted for a student/staff ID and your last name, type in your student/staff number (all numbers, no dashes, no spaces) including ALL leading zeroes and your last name. For example:

  • Student/Staff ID: 123456789
  • Last Name: smith

Click the "Submit" button and you're in! Once you have been authenticated, you can begin searching the resource. If you have any problems accessing the databases, use the contact information in the Help box above to contact us.

Electronic Resources

There are a number of electronic resources you can use to research your area. The databases on this page are some of the more useful ones. You can also search for a specific journal using the search box below. If you cannot find what you need, please contact the Subject Specialist.